Be Proactive,
Be Innovative

Creating Challengers and Make something New.

About Us

About Takao Kogyo Co., Ltd.

Our mission is to promote technological innovation and
connect people with technological development.
With our strength of the development capabilities,
production technology capabilities, and the ability to take on challenge,
we will create a beneficial future world with our "New Manufacturing" that can be seen beyond
the boundaries of business.
Takao Kogyo Co., Ltd. will continue to be
a future-creating company.


NEXT 50 “Grab the next Era and Act on your own”

Takao Kogyo Co., Ltd. will create "New Manufacturing"
with advanced technology and adaptability.

To Company Information


Takao's Strengths lie in its "development capabilities, production technology capabilities, and the ability to take on challenges," which hold infinite possibilities in creating the future. We advocate "New Manufacturing" that is not bound by the framework as a business.


Considering coexistence with local communities, society and the global environment, we aim to be a company trusted by our stakeholders and promote activities to realize a sustainable society.
